Signs You May Have Sleep Apnea

Don't sleep on the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes the muscles in the throat and soft palate collapse during sleep. When this happens, the throat is obstructed by the tissues and causes the sleeper to awaken in order to catch their breath. Although sleep apnea is aSleep Apnea common condition, it's been estimated that 80% of those who deal with it are undiagnosed. This may have something to do with the fact that the majority of symptoms occur without their awareness. Dr. Edmund Jay, a dentist in San Diego/ La Jolla, CA who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea, has listed a few of the typical symptoms associated with sleep apnea here.

Excessive snoring

Everyone snores from time to time, especially if they're recovering from a cold or other respiratory infection. However, if your snoring is loud or consistent enough that it keeps your sleeping partner awake, it could be a sign of sleep apnea. Your San Diego/ La Jolla sleep specialist encourages all frequent snorers to have their condition evaluated, especially in the presence of accompanying symptoms (listed below).

Resulting symptoms

Although you may not be aware that you have sleep apnea, you're likely to have the "leftover" symptoms associated with it during the day. Your San Diego/ La Jolla sleep apnea dentist often diagnoses patients with sleep apnea after they share that they are unusually tired during the day, difficulty concentrating on work or other tasks, and a dry mouth or sore throat upon waking.

If you're concerned that you may have sleep apnea, we encourage you not to wait in contacting Dr. Jay's dental office in San Diego/ La Jolla, California for a thorough evaluation. Dr. Jay's extensive experience with the head and neck structure make him an excellent source for diagnosing and treating sleep apnea. Relief from this condition is just a phone call away!

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